Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Looking beyond ourselves

So, lately I have been trying to get out of this gray funk that I've been in. I found myself wallowing in self pity and despair. I was in a grumpy mood at work and my dear co-worker sent me an e-mail asking me how I was doing and why I seemed down. I told him and then asked him how he was doing. He responded that he was doing ok, but that his friend had died that weekend so he was still dealing with those emotions. Wow! He is going through this big thing and I didn't even notice that he was down. Even in his own pain he noticed mine. So today I tried to look past myself, to do things for other people and guess what? I have been in a better mood today than I have been in the past week. I know, I know, I should have done that sooner but to be completely honest I was being selfish and wanted the world to revolve around me for just a moment. It really sucked, to be that selfish. Nothing got better, I didn't feel good about myself and even when people tried to cheer me up I just got more annoyed. It took me stepping outside of myself and doing something for someone else for me to feel better. So while I can't guarantee that I will always do that, I am going to try to remember that by serving others, I am serving God and the rewards for serving Him are joy and peace.

So do you want happiness in your life? The way to get it is to look beyond yourself and help someone else. Try it, I know it works :)

You know what else works? Reading my friend's blog.

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